Donor Engagement

How to Encourage Generous Donors All Year (Not Just at the Holidays)

In this post we'll cover

Build a loyal community of generous donors with proven year-round engagement tips. Our simple strategies help you connect with supporters each month.

What if generous donors showed up for your nonprofit in April or July the way they do at the end of the year?

While the generosity of the holiday season and the run up to the tax donation deadline can’t be completely replicated, today we want to share some of our favorite ways you can encourage generous donors every month of the year. 

You’re doing important work, and the more people can see the impact you’re making, the more likely they are to want to get involved. So let’s drum up some generosity and help you make a bigger impact!

Generous Communication = Generous Donors

Are you regularly communicating with your supporters or waiting until key donation times or seasons to reach out?

If your donors only hear from you at key times of the year, they may only be prompted to engage at those times. 

Instead of waiting until the end of the year to send personalized thank you notes, send one as soon as a gift comes in or thank donors at the end of the month. 

Engage donors throughout the year by updating them with custom infographics and stories that show what you’re able to do with their support and how their generosity makes a real difference. 

It’s a great idea to have a regular weekly or monthly newsletter so you can highlight work happening behind-the-scenes, share about upcoming opportunities to get involved, and shout out your supporters to celebrate their generosity with the whole community. 

Offer Flexible Donation Options

To spread support throughout the year, make it easier for donors to give in regular monthly or quarterly donations.

Even for one-time gifts, the easier you make it for someone to give, the more likely they are to follow through and donate.

Creating seasonal campaigns based on what’s happening throughout the year – “Spring into action!” or a “Back to School Drive” – can generate engagement and pull in donor support more regularly. 

Invest in Strong Storytelling

Everything from your weekly newsletter to your Annual Report should be focused on telling the story of what your organization is doing, how current donors are an important part of the story, and showing new donors how they can become part of the story. 

Storytelling gives your audience a way to see themselves as part of the solution and makes the work your organization is doing feel tangible and immediate. It’s also one of the best ways to get emotional buy-in and commitment from your past and present donors. 

Build a Community of Generous Donors

When people feel like they are part of something meaningful, they are more likely to stay and participate. 

There are a number of ways you can make your donors feel appreciated and bring them together with other engaged donors throughout the year:

  • Host “donor only” events or receptions
  • Invite donors to take a “behind the scenes” tour of your operations
  • Host virtual coffee chats or networking meetings for donors
  • Put together a recognition program that celebrates donors 

Celebrate your donors on social media, tag them, and encourage them to share with their audiences to build a digital community, too. 

Highlight Immediate Needs

Use your graphics, social media posts, and marketing efforts to show the very real, tangible needs of the community of the population you serve. 

Remind your donors of the real-time needs as they change with the seasons. If you serve school children, you can highlight different needs – like stocking backpacks with nutritious food in March before spring break or collecting uniforms and other clothing items in August when it’s back to school season. 

The communities you serve are not all the same – their needs change just like anyone else’s. Keeping your donors engaged with the ebbs and flows of the changes makes it easier for them to see and fill specific needs. 

Need Help Connecting with Generous Donors?

If you want to create engaging visuals, infographics, and use storytelling to connect with your donors and generate consistent, generous donations and support all year long – you need a design partner who specializes in nonprofit marketing. 

At Acton Circle, we support nonprofits and foundations with good design that grows more good. 

Our ongoing design services are specifically created to increase your impact, month after month – keeping your donors engaged and giving all year long! 

December 6, 2024

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