Annual Report Design

The Acton Circle Nonprofit Annual Report Process

In this post we'll cover

Today we’re taking you behind the scenes to see the exact process we go through at Acton Circle when designing and preparing nonprofit annual reports for our clients.

An annual report is a strategic, powerful document that nonprofits use to connect with current and potential donors – showcasing the impact of their work and highlighting how the donated funds and volunteer hours are used to make a difference in the community or population they serve. 

When an annual report is done well, it will unify your community and drive more donations and meaningful work! 

So let’s take a peek behind the curtain and see how Acton Circle takes your annual report from boring stats and numbers to powerful fundraising and recruitment tool

The nonprofit annual report process starts with your mission

We don’t make a single design decision until we are clear on your mission, vision, and goals.

This is because your annual impact report shouldn’t just be a collection of data. This is where most people get stuck.

Your nonprofit annual report should tell a story – about who you are, what you’re working toward, how your team and supporters are helping execute your mission and vision, and what you need to move forward with purpose. (Check out this post for great tips on choosing the right type of annual report to tell your story!) 

We’re serious about digging into the core of what your nonprofit stands for, who you serve, and why it matters so we can create a visual representation that connects with your audience and makes a difference. That’s why every nonprofit annual report project starts with a strategic consultation. 

The best annual report design amplifies your mission and brings your vision to life, so we want to make sure we deeply understand those elements before we begin. 

Next up? We choose an annual theme

The best stories have a central plot. That’s the same idea we use when choosing a theme for your annual report. 

Instead of making pretty infographics and tables that all stand on their own, our team will examine the data, reflect on your goals, and choose a unifying theme that ties everything together in a complete, effective narrative. 

Common themes include things like:

  • The power of perseverance
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Building community

When we give your annual report a theme, it ensures that the copy and the visuals all work together to share the same message and focus on the same overall idea. This clarity and direction helps your annual report stand out and makes it much easier for potential donors and volunteers to connect with the work you’re doing.

We tell a compelling story, driven by the annual report theme, that others want to be a part of! 

Traditional or interactive? We’ll help you decide

A traditional nonprofit annual report is a classically designed, print-ready PDF that you have probably used for your nonprofit in the past, while an interactive annual report features interactive elements – like videos, audio clips, and interactive infographics. 

For some nonprofits, a traditional report is the best option. 

But when we sit down and look at our clients’ mission, vision, and goals – we often discover that an interactive report actually makes more sense for their audience. 

Our experienced designers will help you evaluate your options and choose the right format to achieve your goals and connect with your audience. 

And if you’re curious about interactive annual reports, check out this post for more details on the differences between the two options! 

Our nonprofit annual report process always includes engaging infographics

Most people glaze over and zone out when presented with a bunch of charts, data, and spreadsheets. 

But that’s not helpful when you’re trying to engage donors and volunteers with your nonprofit’s mission. 

This infographic shows employment and education statistics for over 20,000 alumni since 1981, highlighting their career sectors, industries, and degrees earned.

Infographics take all the boring numbers and confusing data and turn them into powerful statements that catch attention and inspire action. 

Our team is skilled at compiling large quantities of data and distilling them down into bite-sized, effective infographics that communicate exactly what you need your readers to know and understand. 

We can simplify complex numbers to tell your story – and because we use a unifying theme to tie everything together – your infographics are designed to be a key part of that themed story. 

Our nonprofit annual report process is collaborative

Our project manager will oversee your entire nonprofit annual report design project, from initial strategic consultation to final delivery. 

Having a dedicated project manager makes it easy to clearly communicate your feedback to the entire team and make sure everyone is on the same page so you get the best possible annual report. 

We welcome review and feedback throughout the process, so you always feel like your voice is heard and you’re clear on the design choices we’re making. You’ll never be unsure what’s expected of you at each stage of the process! 

Ready to engage your donors and volunteers with an effective annual report?

As we walked through our signature nonprofit annual report design process – did you find yourself thinking, “Wow! This would be incredible for our nonprofit!”? 

If you did, we would love to talk to you about bringing your mission and vision to life and telling your nonprofit’s story with a world-class annual impact report. 

One of our annual report clients, Joanna Marshall at Planet Women, recently shared:

“We really loved the Annual Report that Acton Circle created for our small environmental nonprofit this year. They followed our direction really well and made a beautiful and fun report that highlighted our programs perfectly. We highly recommend them!” 

And we would be honored to do the same for your organization! 

You can click here to check out our annual report project details

When you’re ready to move forward, we’d love to schedule a complimentary consult to learn more about your organization and see how we can support your mission and vision with a stand-out annual report! 

August 2, 2024

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